The guides told us we should look for diamonds along the bottom, but I'm still not sure if they were just teasing. I somehow kept splashing myself when I brought the paddle up to switch sides, more so than anyone else. I was soaked before going for a swim. It's a good thing I had one of the guides in my boat since my technique seems to need work.
It was especially windy that evening, so we were struggling to keep our hats from blowing away as we walked around, and then trying to keep our plastic cups from spilling or getting lost as we drank our wine. The easiest strategy was to keep the cups filled, and somehow our bottles were quickly emptied.
Our wonderful cook made us a big pot of popcorn, which was much more difficult to keep from flying away. We placed a large rock on top of the pot, and very carefully took handfuls, maybe able to eat half of them. The birds were well fed that night. While having such fun, we nearly missed the moment the sun set!
One of the highlights of the trip came in the Namib Desert, were we woke up in the dark and drove out to Dune 45 to hike to the top and watch the sun come up. Hiking up sand dunes is one of the most physically difficult things to do, as you slip back a little with every step you take, making it a Sisyphean task, but we endured. The top of the dune is about 170 meters high (around 560 feet). As we climbed, we watched the sky slowly lighten, clouds reflecting the golden light below. From the top of the dune, saw the bright orb of the sun peak out from behind other dunes and announce the day.
We stayed a few days in Swakomund, a city on the coast of Namibia. There are a lot of activities available nearby, from sandboarding to sky diving and beyond. The two that I signed up for were quad biking through the dunes and sandboarding.
Sandboarding is snowboarding on sand dunes. Five of us signed up for boarding, and two more for what's basically sand sledding. Of the boarders, two were experienced snowboarders, and just had to figure out the differences with friction and probably other aspects I don't know enough about to comment on. I was in the group of newbies (I ski, which is not a transferable skill), who had to learn about waxing the boards and how to stand up once strapped in. So standing, weight toward my toes, I tried to go just a little ways, then fell forward onto my knees as the easiest way to slow down. The instructors told me I should really try going more than a few meters, so I got up and actually did okay for a little while before feeling like I was losing control and falling down again. That's pretty much how I went down the dune the first two times, and then had to hike back up the dune carrying the board between runs (the hardest part). After the second run, we all tried the sand sledding. They had big pieces of plywood that we lay down on, head first on our stomachs, aimed down hill, and flew down as fast as we could (there was someone at the bottom with a radar gun marking our speed). It's incredibly fun. Back at the top of the dune, I had one final run to do on my board. The instructor suggested I try some turns, and I thought, why not? He explained to me a little about shifting your weight back and forth, and in theory, it made sense. So I started down and tried to turn, and wiped out fantastically, sand down my shirt and coating my suntan-lotioned arms. Okay, no big deal, I got myself back up and headed downhill, feeling good, and since it was the last run, I gave turning one more try. This time I fully flipped myself, rolled down most of the rest of the dune, I had sand everywhere, my mouth, my ears, inside my clothes, in my hair, everywhere, and what's more, it kind of hurt. I had a bad crick in my neck for just about the whole rest of the trip (but at least I didn't get it from laying on the couch watching Netflix at a bad angle all day). Thankfully, we had a pretty good shower where we were staying, to wash most of the sand away. It's hard to get all the sand off when you've thoroughly rolled yourself in it.
As for the two who had experience, they did better than us newbies, but had some pretty terrific wipe outs as well, one that was deemed the most impressive of the day.
The woman performed a traditional dance, and we bought jewelry they had made from natural materials. The people were all very kind and welcoming, inviting us to take pictures and join in their dancing. Later at our camp, some of the men tried to use the technique we'd learned to start a fire, but the most they got was a tendril of smoke.
Victoria Falls, the last stop of the tour, had the most activities to offer, particularly of the heart-pumping, adrenaline-rushing kind. On the day we arrived, we booked our chosen activities and then toured the falls.

As to the heart-pounding activities, I chose white water rafting (with category 4 and 5 rapids -these are very large) and the gorge swing. A couple of others did the bungee jump off the bridge that spans the Zambezi river near the falls.

I've watched the video, so I know a wave hit us at just the right angle to send us over. I got separated from the raft and had to swim back to them. That was easy compared to the woman who got trapped underneath and for a few panicked moments couldn't find her way to an air pocket. I'm very grateful that wasn't me, but the poor woman was pretty shaken up when we finally flipped the raft and got back in.

While we were rafting, two of our group were bungee jumping from the bridge pictured below, and love the experience.
A little further down river from the bridge was the spot where zip lining and gorge swinging launch. I watched a few other people jump before going myself, and was glad to get a sense of it first. Even so, standing on the platform above the roaring Zambezi River, I was terrified.
I thought, 'No, push me,' but I don't think any words came out as I inched closer to the edge, and with a breath, jumped.
I tried to scream, but I had no air in my lungs as I plummeted down. Friends watching nearby said I kicked my legs the whole time like I was trying to climb back up through the air (I don't really remember). Finally, I reached the bottom of the cord and swung out across the water, now able to shout and laugh. This is what they mean by death-defying. After swinging for a minute, they reeled me back up, like a fish, my heart still pounding.
Intrepid kept me busy, and loving every minute of it. I recommend this tour and this company to anyone who wants to see what the world has to offer, but doesn't want to do it alone. I could go on and on about my amazing group and how much they contributed to the trip being so enjoyable, but it was also how well the tour was set up, the incredible places we visited, and the friendly and efficient crew.
In the next installment, I'll talk more about going solo in Cape Town.